Local Ventura COVID-19 Resources:
The physicians of VCMA are spearheading activities to Stop the Surge and Save Lives.
The mission: To stop the pandemic in Ventura County by utilizing SQ Regen Cov at the earliest opportunity for Covid-19 infected individuals and their household contacts. (In conjunction with vaccine and public health measures)
Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal Antibodies are laboratory made proteins that mimic the immune system’s ability to fight off harmful antigens, such as viruses. The Monoclonal antibodies in Regen Cov are specifically directed against the spike protein of the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) and block the viral attachment and entry into human cells. VCMA is coordinating a Countywide effort to establish sites offering SQ therapy to eligible (based on criteria) patients. FDA-EUA; NEJM-8.10.21
Click here for more information on Monoclonal Antibody Treatment:
Ordering Monoclonal Antibodies - For Medical Practices establishing a pathway to treat COVID-19 positive patients with Anti-COVID Therapy. The ordering process is streamlined to help save lives. This link allows medical practices to fill out the application, it takes a few days to be processed.
Patient Criteria -
Physician Referral Instructions - There are now multiple resources providing COVID Monoclonal Antibody MAb therapy (subQ), in Ventura County through physician referral or patient (after positive test) self-referral.
Primary Medical Group, - if you are interested in scheduling treatment, email at: covidresponse@primarymedical.net or call: 805-702-8339
1st Stop Urgent Care is also offering the treatment. They are located at 2275 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, CA 93010. Website: 1ststopurgentcare.com. Phone: 805-388-3732.
Mobile Wellness Clinic, 818-232-5788; Dr. Mohammed Rezai will administer MAb in homes throughout Ventura County More information: https://www.venturacountyrecovers.org/monoclonal-antibody-treatment-information/
Volunteers - Physician volunteers will be needed to screen patients (by phone) that do not have a PCP for referral. To volunteer (a few hours a day or week) - send an email with your contact information and availability to: venturacma21@gmail.com
Ventura County COVID Stats, Vaccine and Testing Site Resources: www.venturacountyrecovers.org
Employee Masking Mandate: CMA Q&A
Inappropriate Medical Exemptions
Combatting Vaccine Hesitancy: Message from VCMA President Educational Poster
Additional mRNA Dose
For more information, or if you are interested in scheduling treatment, email Primary Medical Group at: covidresponse@primarymedical.net or call: 805-702-8339